Reunion Embassies around the World

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Embassy Phone Number Photo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
37 quai d'Orsay
75007 Paris
+33 1 43 17 53 53 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
French Embassy in Washington DC
4101 Reservoir Rd NW
Washington, DC 20007
+1 202 944 6000 Embassy in the USA
French Embassy in London
58 Knightsbridgey
SW1X 7JT London
The UK
+44 20 7465 6500 Embassy in the UK
French Embassy in Berlin
Pariser Platz 5
10117 Berlin
+49 30 590 03 9100 Embassy in Germany
French Embassy in Bern
3006 Bern
+41 31 359 21 11 Embassy in Switzerland